Proclaiming The Gospel Network (PTGN) is an independent media production and promotion company designed to help ministries spread the love of God to a dying world. This is accomplished through the use of the Internet, various multimedia technologies designed to give the local community church or organization a global presence to spread its message. PTGN is the conduit used to get God’s message of Love to the World.
Established in 2011, PTGN has helped small churches host seminars, provided sound reinforcement for various conferences, concerts,and banquets in the New York Tri -state area as well as in Massachusetts. PTGN audio-video team has produced CDs and DVDs of seminars and conferences for our clients to disburse at the end of each meeting. No seminar is to small or too large for us to cover. We always give each customer excellent service and more often than not we go way beyond what is typically expected. Do you have an event for us to provide you with quality sound, or do you want to the event to be a part of your legacy by having it recorded? Then don’t hesitate to give PTGN a call. We are here to serve you with love.
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PTGN plans to host a concert with the hopes of helping Westchester Area School raise one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125,000.00) to help fix the school’s gym.
Morbi nisl eros, dignissim nec, malesuada et, convallis quis, augue. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia. Morbi pellentesque, mauris interdum porta tincidunt, neque orci molestie mauris, vitae iaculis dolor felis at nunc. Maecenas eu diam a leo porta interdum. In non massa. t, elementum vitae, malesuada eu, fermentum in, sapien. Donec sit amet justo. In velit. Vivamus turpis pede, dignissim sed, scelerisque nec, pretium sit amet. Nulla vestibulum eleifend nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque tincidunt, dolor eu dignissim mollis, justo sapien iaculis pede, vel tincidunt lacus nisl sit amet metus. Fusce ac est vitae purus varius tristique. Phasellus mattis ornare ligula. Donec id nibh.